Discover Affordable and Nutrient-Packed Superfoods for Optimal Health
Don’t know what superfoods you should add to your diet to stay healthy? Don’t worry! You’ve landed at the right place. In this blog, we have discussed super healthy foods that everyone must include in their diet. Also, these are some affordable foods that will not burn a hole in your pocket while taking care of yourself.
Here are 5 superfoods that you must eat every day to stay fit and fin:
#1. Oats
Oats are a staple breakfast. They’re rich in fiber, making them a very fulfilling food. The beta-glucans in oats help in lowering cholesterol and offer healthy bacteria for gut health. Oats are whole grain and don’t have any added sugar in them, making them one of the most healthy foods that you must eat every day. So, if you haven’t added this super healthy food to your diet, do it today!
#2. Nuts
Nuts are packed with magnesium and polyunsaturated fats that are good for your heart’s health. These nutrients also lower the risk of diabetes by offering protection against insulin resistance. Nuts also contain antioxidant compounds like resveratrol and ellagic acid that reduce the chances of the body’s wear and tear due to free radicals. They also help with lowering inflammation in the body, resulting in less chances of cancer. So, make sure to add a handful of nuts to your diet as an evening snack or as a part of your smoothie.
#3. Broccoli
Broccoli is a great cruciferous vegetable that you can eat raw as well as cooked. It’s a powerhouse of vitamins A, C, and K that are beneficial for your bone health. Also, broccoli is rich in antioxidants and fiber that help in supporting healthy bowel function and digestive health. One of the main reasons to incorporate broccoli in your diet is that it offers a healthy dose of sulforaphane that stimulates the body’s detoxifying enzymes, resulting in reducing cancer risk.
#4. Eggs
Did you know?
“One egg has about 6 grams of protein, 70 calories, 1.6 grams of saturated fat, and 5 grams of fat.”
They also contain minerals, vitamins, iron, and carotenoids. It is said that carotenoids are the powerhouse of disease-fighting nutrients (zeaxanthin and lutein.) These two antioxidants also help keep your eyes healthy. As per a study published in PLOS One, lutein and zeaxanthin lowers the risk of macular degeneration which is the main cause of blindness in people above 65.
#5. Yogurt
The probiotics in yogurt help keep your gut health in check. Did you know? One cup of yogurt provides almost 50% of the recommended amount of calcium. It also contains zinc, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and protein which are beneficial for your overall health. However, if you’re adding yogurt to your diet, make sure to add the plain ones as flavored yogurts tend to have added sugar, and have more calories than nutrition.
Superfoods may not have any quantifiable definition but they have a lot of benefits for your body. So, make sure to add these foods (that have health-boosting nutrients and antioxidants) to your diet to stay healthy. Also, keep in mind that if you want to lose weight, stay active and look young, eating healthy won’t be enough. You also need to exercise daily for at least 45 minutes. Any sort of physical activity with a good diet can strengthen your muscles and bones, manage your weight, improve your ability to do daily chores, and reduce the risk of illnesses.
So, if you need assistance with your workout regime, do get in touch with us today!